"The talks are expected to focus on ways to reduce Ghana's debt burden and secure additional financing assurances for the country's economic programme," the source said, asking not to be named because the talks are private. 

Ghana, which is struggling with its worst economic crisis in a generation, secured a staff-level agreement with the International Monetary Fund in December for a $3 billion loan, though asking lenders to provide financing assurances is a condition for the IMF's board to sign off the programme.

The country owes China around $1.7 billion.

The finance ministry said it had "fruitful" talks with a Chinese delegation that visited Ghana this month to discuss Ghana's request for a debt restructuring.

($1 = 12.1500 Ghanian cedi)

(Reporting by Christian Akorlie; Writing by Nellie Peyton, editing by Jorgelina do Rosario and Ed Osmond)