The roughly 19 million workers covered by negotiated wage deals earned 3.1 percent more on a monthly basis in 2014 than in the previous year, the Federal Statistics Office said.

Excluding special and one-off payments, their paychecks were 2.9 percent bigger.

Consumer price inflation, on the other hand, slowed to 0.9 percent last year, largely due to cheaper energy, so workers' purchasing power increased.

Rising wages, combined with record high employment, helped boost household spending last year. Private consumption was one of the main drivers behind German economic growth of 1.5 percent in 2014.

Germany's most powerful union, IG Metall, is calling for a 5.5 percent wage hike for 3.7 million workers in the metals and engineering sector in current wage talks. Public sector employees at the regional level are also demanding a 5.5 percent salary increase.

German consumer price inflation hit 0.1 percent in December, harmonised for comparison with other European countries - its lowest level in more than five years - but IG Metall has argued that this supports its demand as giving workers more money could avert a deflationary spiral.

(Reporting by Michelle Martin; Editing by Madeline Chambers)