VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 05, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Franciosi Consulting Ltd. will be performing structure activity analyses of published beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists (a.k.a. beta blockers) as potential new treatments for essential tremor. These antagonists were previously taken to the clinical development stage for other indications and then abandoned mainly for a lack of efficacy and non-safety related issues. Essential tremor is one of the most common neurologic movement disorders affecting 0.5% to 5% of the general population, predominately seniors. It is considered to be a nervous system disorder that is characterized by a part of the human body shaking uncontrollably. The hands and forearms are the most commonly affected areas. Propranolol is the primary treatment of choice for preventing tremors; it is a nonselective beta blocker but with mild side effects such as light headedness as well as potential contraindications especially in the elderly. Lui Franciosi states, “This type of tremor is not the same as the one seen with Parkinson’s disease. It gets worse with advancing age and the cause is unknown. Unfortunately, the shaking also worsens with anxiety when performing simple tasks as writing with a pen, eating with a spoon, or drinking with a cup. Seniors are most affected as well as embarrassed in public, which in turn exacerbates the tremor and creates a vicious circle.” The aim of this work is to determine if these previously clinically tested compounds have similar efficacy and safety profiles as propranolol.

For more information about Lui Franciosi and his company Franciosi Consulting Ltd., please visit or his YouTube Channel Dr. Franciosi advises on the operational and research needs of the pharmaceutical and senior care industries. He also discusses topics online such as running your own business, chronic pain, the importance of senior care, Lyme Disease, as well as COVID-19 & the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines.

About Lui Franciosi

Lui Franciosi is a consultant with over 20 years of executive experience collected in the pharmaceutical and senior care industries. He holds a Masters degree and a Doctorate from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. He also studied business at the University of Warwick in the U.K. Lui Franciosi founded Franciosi Consulting Ltd. in 2015 and is the President and CEO.   He is currently also an Adjunct Professor at The University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University in areas of pharmacology and gerontology, respectively.
