that never runs out of battery


according to its makers, French-based innovation lab Baracoda


BHeart gathers its energy from small solar panels on the watchband that reacts to sunlight


as well as absorbing kinetic energy that the body produces


The sensors also gather health data that is transmitted to an app for iOS and Android devices


[Jules Andre, Baracoda BHeart Product Owner ]

"We're trying to track health indexes, so we're tracking mental resilience. So that kind of suggests the stress that you did cope through your day. We also tracked activity, so calories burning. We track sleep, so the quality of sleep and the time of sleep. We track steps like a lot of things and we are also tracking outdoor time. So that point is kind of important because some people don't know but just going outside in the morning, like even 15 minutes, taking a sunbath is very important for your health."