FVT 201401210029A
Results of annual general meeting of linked unitholders

Fairvest Property Holdings Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration Number: 1998/005011/06
Linked unit code: FVT
ISIN Code: ZAE000034658
("the Company")


Linked unitholders are referred to the Company's notice of annual
general meeting, posted to linked unitholders on 22 November 2013
("Notice of AGM").

Linked unitholders are advised that, save for Ordinary Resolution
Number 9, which was withdrawn by the Company prior to voting, all
resolutions, as more fully set out in the Notice of AGM, were
passed by the requisite majorities of linked unitholders present
and represented by proxy at the Company's annual general meeting,
held at 10:00 on Tuesday, 21 January 2014.

21 January 2014

Cape Town

Sponsor and Corporate Adviser: PSG Capital

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