On February 8, 2012, Fairholme Capital Management will broadcast an interview with Bruce Berkowitz, Chief Investment Officer. Fred Fraenkel, Chief Research Officer, will moderate the conversation.

Shareholders can submit questions to Bruce via email at investorrelations@fairholme.net by Sunday, January 29th.

His answers will be taped and the entire interview will be posted on www.fairholmefunds.com on February 8th.

Fairholme hopes this conversation will lead to a better understanding of why Fairholme is staying the course with the portfolio that Bruce has built, and why he thinks that this portfolio will position Fairholme Funds to deliver long-term shareholder value. That is Fairholme's mantra.

The opinions herein expressed are those of Bruce Berkowitz and Fairholme Capital Management. They should not be considered a guarantee of future events or future results, or investment advice.

Fairholme Funds' investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses should be considered carefully before investing. The Funds' prospectus contains this and other important information about the Funds and may be obtained by calling Fairholme Shareholder Services at 1-866-202-2263 or by visiting www.fairholmefunds.com. Read it carefully before investing.

Shares of the Fairholme Funds (NASDAQ:FARIX) (NASDAQ:FOCIX) (NASDAQ:FAAFX) are distributed by Fairholme Distributors, Inc.

The interview will be conducted by Fairholme Capital Management, L.L.C. The Funds' distributor is not involved in the event.

Fairholme Funds, Inc.
Brian Ehrlich, 305-358-3000