STORY: ::July 13, 2024

::Eyewitnesses recount the 'horrifying'

shooting at a Trump rally

::Charles Reety, Trump supporter

"I was standing there and all of a sudden, this sounds like firecrackers going off. But then I heard the shots, and then all of a sudden, somebody hollers, 'get down on the ground' and everybody's going down on the ground as low as they can get. Then the Secret Service comes running up through and says, 'everybody out. Get out of here now' and they ushered us out of the area."

::Butler, Pennsylvania

:: Todd Gerhart, Trump supporter and GOP fundraiser

"Horrifying. I mean, the shot, I mean, the stuff was coming off the side for people to do this. I don't know. It's just it's stunning. It's absolutely stunning. It's just going to drive people to even be more for him. I mean, especially when that picture comes out..."

:: Dena Wise, Trump supporter

"Everybody stood together and everybody screamed out the father's prayer and everybody prayed together. That was amazing. That was something that was beautiful. That was really cool. Everyone together in the stands, praying."

"I'm very upset. I can't say for sure who's behind this but I'll tell you what: It's only going to cause more division in this country because of the people that support President Trump."

Trump was shot in the right ear, sparking panic in the crowd and spattering the Republican presidential candidate's blood across his face. He emerged with a swarm of Secret Service agents protecting him and pumped his fist in the air, before being ushered into a vehicle.

The shooter was dead, one rally attendee was killed and two other spectators were injured, the Secret Service said in a statement.

Todd Gerhart, a Trump supporter who was in the crowd, described the incident as "horryifing" and held back tears when he described the chaos.

"I'm very upset about it. I can't say for sure who's behind this. But I'll tell you what: It's only going to cause more division in this country because of the people that support President Trump," another supporter Charles Reety told Reuters.

The Secret Service and the former president's campaign said Trump was safe following the shooting in Butler, Pennsylvania, about 30 miles (50 km) north of Pittsburgh.

The shooter's identity and motive were not immediately clear. Leading Republicans and Democrats quickly condemned the violence.