The STOXX euro zone index and Germany's DAX both fell as much as 1% before paring losses to close 0.2% and 0.3% lower respectively, with oil stocks jumping on a surge in crude prices. [O/R]

An index of euro zone banks ended down 2.1% despite the ECB agreeing to provide lenders with even more ultra-cheap liquidity.

Spain's lender-heavy IBEX index led declines in the region, down 0.6%.

The ECB increased the overall size of its Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (PEPP) by 500 billion euros, in line with market expectations and also extended the scheme by nine months to March 2022.

At a press conference following the decision, ECB President Christine Lagarde said the bank expects euro zone GDP to expand by 3.9% next year, slower than its September forecast of 5%. But growth is seen at 4.2% in 2022, above a previous projection of 3.2%.

"Central bankers have flooded bank balance sheets, but those funds are not flowing through the economy normally. In other words, the quantity of money is up but velocity is way down, muting the economic impact," said Aaron Anderson, SVP of Research at Fisher Investments.

The European STOXX 600 index was down 0.4%.

Rising prices of copper and iron ore lifted Europe's materials index 0.3% to near 8-month highs. [MET/L][IRONORE/]

London's blue-chip index, heavy with oil and commodity-linked stocks, closed up 0.5%, further helped by a pound hammered by Brexit trade deal uncertainty. [GBP/]

A meeting between British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Wednesday yielded no breakthrough with the leaders giving themselves until the end of the weekend to seal a new trade pact after failing to overcome persistent rifts.

Around $1 trillion in annual trade, currently free from tariffs and quotas, is at stake if there is no agreement by the end of the month when Britain leaves the bloc.

Meanwhile, the European Union summit began on Thursday with leaders likely to unblock a stalled 1.8 trillion euro ($2.18 trillion) package as Poland and Hungary appeared to be edging toward an agreement on the EU budget.

($1 = 0.8270 euros)

(Reporting by Susan Mathew in Bengaluru; Editing by Arun Koyyur, Sriraj Kalluvila, Kirsten Donovan)

By Susan Mathew