Electric Imp, an innovative and powerful platform that securely connects devices with advanced cloud computing resources, today announced that it has expanded its focus to align with evolving commercial and industrial Internet of Things (IoT) opportunities.

”As our platform evolves, it is able to satisfy markets more demanding than the initial consumer segment,” said Hugo Fiennes, CEO and co-founder of Electric Imp. "Delivering over 500,000 units through our consumer device partners helped prove the scalability, reliability and usability of our platform, and now we are targeting our unique architecture at the problems facing the commercial and industrial customer. We see an immense opportunity in these markets and believe our approach enables our customers to quickly realize the benefits of connectivity without compromising on security or reliability.”

Electric Imp already provides connectivity solutions for a diverse array of commercial and industrial customers. For these customers the benefits of connectivity include the reduction of operational costs through energy optimization and resource management, the measurable reduction of waste and the introduction of predictive and preventative maintenance.

“Security, and crucially ongoing security maintenance, are critical components for any commercial or industrial IoT application and have proven to be key differentiators for our platform,” continued Fiennes.

Other notable commercial and industrial highlights for Electric Imp include:

  • Launching the Electric Imp managed private cloud, which allows commercial and industrial customers to own the entire path between their devices and their cloud systems, satisfying corporate data requirements and accelerating deployment of IoT technology across their organizations.
  • Formalizing a relationship with Pitney Bowes to be a strategic IoT connectivity partner for Small and Medium Business solutions, leveraging the new private cloud offering.
  • Providing innovative connectivity solutions to customers in energy and resource management, health and fitness, office equipment and HVAC systems.

”We are very pleased with our growing momentum in building partnerships within commercial and industrial markets. Partnering with Pitney Bowes, an iconic global brand that is synonymous with business across virtually every sector, is a significant proof point for us. We look forward to continued progress as our commercial and industrial customers take their products to market in the coming quarters,” added Fiennes.

About Electric Imp

Electric Imp offers an innovative and powerful Internet of Things platform that securely connects devices with advanced cloud computing resources. Our unique solution - featuring fully integrated hardware, OS, security, APIs and cloud services - dramatically decreases cost and time to market while increasing security, scalability and flexibility. The Electric Imp platform enables innovative commercial and industrial applications and empowers manufacturers to manage and quickly scale their connected products and services to millions of users.

Electric Imp, founded in 2011, is located in Los Altos, California and Cambridge, England. For more, visit https://electricimp.com.