What have other states been doing to help families through greater educational freedom? Experts in educational policy will provide an overview at an informational meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 25 at the Anchorage Museum.

This event, hosted by Americans for Prosperity- Alaska, is planned to coincide with the history-making celebration of National School Choice Week 2018, which will feature more than 32,000 school choice events across all 50 states.

While other states across the country have provided greater educational opportunities for families, Alaska lags far behind. With the 5th worst graduation rate in the nation, Alaska families would benefit from greater freedom in education.

“All Alaska children deserve the opportunity to earn a quality education, but too many are stuck in schools that are not best for them due to their family’s zip code,” said Jeremy Price, State Director at Americans for Prosperity - Alaska. “Alaska should look at other states that are helping more children succeed by increasing educational freedom. Alaska has taken the right steps through policies such as public school open enrollment and our limited charter school law, but we can do more. We look forward to sharing the facts about educational choice at our event and hope Alaska will soon step forward to ensure all children can obtain the education that is best for them.”

The museum is located at 625 C Street in Anchorage.

For more information, contact Jeremy Price at jprice@afphq.org or (907) 346-0616.

As a nonpartisan, nonpolitical public awareness effort, National School Choice Week shines a positive spotlight on effective education options for students, families, and communities around the country.

For more information, visit www.schoolchoiceweek.com, or visit www.facebook.com/schoolchoiceweek.