23-01-2013 Current report no. 5/2013

Notification of transaction on Issuer's securities

The Management Board of Echo Investment S.A. (hereinafter referred to as the Issuer) hereby reports that on January 23, 2013 the Issuer received a notification on the basis of which a person holding a managerial position in the organization structure of the Issuer and having access to confidential information, reported a purchase of Echo Investment S.A.'s shares in 2012, the total value of which did not exceed EUR 5,000.

The purchase transaction took place on the regulated market in the continuous trading system on June 4, 2012. The total volume of the purchased shares amounted to 1,300 shares and the average purchase price amounted to PLN 3.5 per share.

The informer requested their personal details be withheld, referring to the content of §3 (2) of the Decree by the Minister of Finance dated November 15, 2005 on passing and making accessible information on certain transactions in financial instruments and rules of making and conducting lists of persons having access to certain confidential information.

Legal basis: Art. 160 (4) of the Act on Trade in Financial Instruments of July 29, 2005.

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