Notification template for Article 131 CRD - Global Systemically Important Institutions (G-SIIs)

Please send this template to

  • when notifying the ESRB;

  • when notifying the ECB;

  • when notifying the EBA.

Emailing this template to the above-mentioned addresses constitutes an official notification, no further official letter is required. In order to facilitate the work of the notified authorities, please send the notification template in a format that allows electronically copying the information.

1. Notifying national authority

1.1 Name of the notifying authority

Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR)

2. Description of the measure

2.1 Concerned institution(s)


Group Société Générale O2RNE8IBXP4R0TD8PU41

Group Crédit Agricole Group BPCEFR969500TJ5KRTCJQWXH FR9695005MSX1OYEMGDF

2.2 Level of the buffer applied

Group BNP Paribas

1.5% as of 01/01/2020

Group Société Générale 1.0% as of 01/01/2020

Group Crédit Agricole Group BPCE

1.0% as of 01/01/2020 1.0% as of 01/01/2020

2.3 Names of subsidiaries

In 2018, the ACPR received two notifications concerning the identification as O-SIIs of subsidiaries of the French G-SII groups.

Name of subsidiaries Bank BGZ BNP Paribas SALEI of the subsidiary NMH2KF074RKAGTH4CM63

Country Poland

Societe Generale Expressbank AD



3. Timing of the measure

3.1 Timing of the Decision

12 october 2018

3.2 Timing of the Publication

As soon as possible after FSB publication and at the latest by end November 2018


Date of template version: 2016-03-01

3.3 Disclosure

All documents will be published on the ACPR website on a dedicated web page:

3.4 Timing of Application


3.5 Phasing in

The phasing in period ends on 1st January 2019

4. Reason for activation of the G-SII buffer

4.1 Indicators used for designation of the G-SII

(Article 131.2)

Cf. BCBS assessment methodology( indicators are disclosed by the banking groups and published.

4.2 Scores and buckets

(Article 131.2 and 131.9)

Score in bp


Groupe BNP Paribas


bucket 2

Groupe Société Générale


bucket 1

Groupe Crédit Agricole


bucket 1

Groupe BPCE


bucket 1

5. Cross-border and cross-sector impact of the measure

5.1 Assessment of cross-border effects and the likely impact on the internal market

(Recommendation ESRB/2015/2)

The French banking system is rather concentrated on a consolidated basis. Four French banking groups have a G-SII and O-SII status. With the designation of two additional systemic banking groups in France as O-SIIs, the market share of the 6 French systemic banking groups covers around 83% of the total assets of the French banking system (at the highest level of consolidation).

In close coordination, the ACPR and the Banque de France (Directorate General Operations and Financial Stability) monitor the development of structural risks and of interconnectedness within the EU banking system, using multiple data sources for measuring cross-border exposures. This monitoring activity is complemented by empirical assessment in line with the work of the International Banking Research Network (IBRN) on cross-border spill-over effects. Such assessment reveals that any tightening of capital requirement by the French authorities would generally have very small impact in terms of cross-border spill-overs.

5.2 Assessment of leakages and regulatory arbitrage within the notifying Member State

This is closely monitored by the Research and Risk Analysis Directorate of the ACPR and there is no sign of leakages or regulatory arbitrage.

6. Combinations and timing of the G-SII notified


6.1 combinations between G-SII and O-SII buffers (Article 131.14)

The O-SII buffers decided in 2018 are at the same level as G-SII buffers.

6.2 Combinations with SRB buffers (Article 131.14 + Article 133.5)

To date, no SRB is applied to any French G-SII.

For the SRB instrument, the competent authority is the Haut Conseil de la Stabilité Financière (HCSF).

For more information, see

6.3 Interaction with other measures

No comment

7. Miscellaneous

5.1 Contact person(s) at notifying authority

Laurent CLERC(

Denis MARIONNET( Marie-Dominique KERSUZAN(

5.2 Any other relevant information



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ESRB - European Systemic Risk Board published this content on 16 January 2019 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 16 January 2019 10:18:15 UTC