The Economic Regulation Authority has today published a variation to the reference tariffs for the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline (DBNGP) to apply from 1 January 2014 to
31 December 2014.
DBNGP (WA) Transmission Pty Limited (DBP) notified the Authority of the variation to the reference tariffs on 6 January 2014. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase was
2.16 per cent on the previous period.
Pursuant to rule 92 of the National Gas Rules, a full access arrangement must include a reference tariff variation mechanism. DBP's notice advised that the reference tariffs set out in 3.3(c), 3.4(c) and 3.5(c) of the current access arrangement will be varied in 2014 in line with the CPI formula variation set out in clause 11.2(c).
The commencement date of the tariff variation is in accordance with Clause 11.2(e) of the access arrangement which requires that within 10 business days of effecting the CPI formula variation, the operator must provide the Authority with a written notice advising of this fact and include the application of the mechanism and the resultant varied reference tariff.
The reference tariffs for part haul (P1) and back haul (B1) services are distance based and determined as a proportion of the reference tariff for the full haul (T1) service.
The variations in reference tariffs as notified by DBP are shown in the table below. A copy of

DBP's letter to the Authority is available on the Authority's website.

Reference Tariff Variation Effective From 1 January 2014 Capacity Reservation Tariff $/GJ Commodity Tariff $/GJ Varied Reference Tariff $/GJ

T1 Reference Tariff Variation 1.213243 0.102436 1.315679
P1 Reference Tariff Variation 0.000867 0.000073 0.000940
B1 Reference Tariff Variation 0.000867 0.000073 0.000940

For further information contact:

General Enquiries

Tyson Self

Assistant Director, Gas Access

Ph: 08 6557 7900

Fax: 08 6557 7999

Media Enquiries

Richard Taylor

Riley Mathewson Public Relations

Ph: 08 9381 2144

Fax: 08 9381 3877



10 January 2014


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