Brussels, 2014-01-07

On 15 January 2014, the first release of the new ENTSO-E transparency platform will be launched.

Following the publication of the Regulation (EU) N°543/2013 of 14 June 2013 on submission and publication of data in electricity markets, ENTSO-E is mandated to develop and operate a new central information transparency platform in order to publish fundamental European electricity market information. This information on load, generation, transmission, balancing and outages required under the Regulation will be published from 5 January 2015.

In preparation for this, ENTSO-E has updated its current transparency platform to have a greater capacity for growth and adaptation for the increased level of market information and transparency required by the Regulation; to standardise the communication methods that will be used by data providers; and to display the information in a new web based interface.

The new platform will continue to use the existing URL and will be available free of charge without the need for registration.

The first release of the new platform will launch on 15 January 2014 and will initially provide the same information that is currently available, voluntarily supplied by TSOs since 2006.

The ENTSO-E transparency platform will thus continue providing electricity market information, essential for the creation of efficient, liquid and competitive wholesale energy markets across Europe and the implementation of the IEM.

Related links:

  • ENTSO-E Transparency Platform
  • Official Journal of the European Union Vol 56, 15 June 2013
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