The European Union confirmed plans to impose additional tariffs on electric cars made in China, dashing hopes of a solution sought by several carmakers whose executives fear reprisal from an escalating trade war.

New import fees will begin Friday and last at least four months, the EU Commission said. Thursday's confirmation comes after negotiations with the Chinese government and lobbying from the German car industry and others failed to halt the tariffs.

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Expected Major Events for Friday

06:00/ROM: May Retail trade

06:00/FIN: May Foreign trade

06:00/SWE: May New orders & deliveries in industry

06:00/SWE: May Industrial Production Index

06:00/NOR: May Industrial Production Index

06:00/GER: May Industrial Production Index

06:00/UK: 2Q Halifax House Price Index: UK Regional Breakdown quarterly release

06:00/UK: Jun Halifax House Price Index

06:30/HUN: May Retail Sales

06:30/HUN: May Preliminary Industrial Production

06:30/HUN: May Preliminary External Trade

06:45/FRA: May Industrial production index

06:45/FRA: May Foreign trade

06:45/FRA: May Balance of payments

07:00/SPN: May Industrial Production

07:00/AUT: Jun Wholesale Price Index

07:00/SWI: Jun SNB foreign currency reserves

07:00/SWI: Jun Consumer Sentiment Index

08:00/ITA: May Retail Sales

09:00/EU: May Retail trade

10:00/IRL: Jun Irish Live Register latest monthly figures

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

07-05-24 0015ET