Cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, ether, dogecoin and other altcoins have rebounded in recent weeks from their midyear pullback, returning to levels not seen in months. Bitcoin on Friday traded at $47,544, its highest close since May 15, giving it a 64% gain for the year. Rival currency ether is up 344% for the year, while dogecoin-the joke cryptocurrency beloved by retail investors-traded at 28 cents, up more than 5,500% for the year.

Oil Giants Turn to Startups for Low-Carbon Energy Ideas

Some of the world's biggest oil companies are turning to startups to help plot their future.

Energy giants including BP PLC and Royal Dutch Shell PLC are bolstering their venture capital arms-increasing budgets, hiring more staff and doing more deals-seeking out new low-carbon technologies to help future-proof their profits.

New Covid-19 Hospitalizations for 30- to 39-Year-Olds at Record Rate

Hospitalizations of Covid-19 patients in their 30s have hit a new record, U.S. government data show, a sign of the toll that the highly contagious Delta variant is taking among the unvaccinated.

Thirty-somethings, who are in prime ages for work and parenting, had largely avoided hospital stays for Covid-19 during earlier phases of the pandemic because of their relative good health.

BHP Considers Sale of $15 Billion-Valued Petroleum Business

SYDNEY-BHP Group Ltd., the world's biggest mining company, said it is considering the sale of its petroleum business, a move that would reduce its exposure to fossil fuels amid growing pressure from investors and governments for resources companies to cut emissions.

BHP said it is in talks with Australian oil-and-natural-gas company Woodside Petroleum Ltd. on a potential deal to combine BHP's petroleum unit with Woodside.

Afghanistan Takeover by Taliban Worries Governments in the Region, Europe That Chaos Will Spread

The collapse of the Afghan government and takeover of the country by the Taliban is stirring concern in foreign capitals that chaos and instability engulfing the country could spill over to its neighbors and possibly drive a tide of refugees as far as Europe.

There was also an undercurrent of criticism of the U.S. for the speed of its departure after nearly 20 years, colored by Washington's failure to establish a stable government that could stand without American military support.

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Expected Major Events for Monday

06:00/NOR: Jul External trade in goods

07:00/SPN: Jun Industrial Orders & Turnover

07:00/SVK: Jun New orders in industry

07:00/CZE: Jul PPI

08:00/BUL: 2Q Labour force survey

08:00/BUL: Jul CPI

08:00/POL: Jun Merchandise trade

09:00/CRO: Jul CPI

10:00/IRL: Jun Goods Exports and Imports

All times in GMT. Powered by Kantar Media and Dow Jones.

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This article is a text version of a Wall Street Journal newsletter published earlier today.

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

08-16-21 0027ET