EEX: New Daily Record on the Power Derivatives Market 2014/01/21

The European Energy Exchange (EEX) has achieved a daily record on the Power Derivatives Market. Yesterday, on 20 January 2013, a volume of 18,419,754 MWh of power was recorded on the Phelix Futures Market - this is the highest volume which has ever been traded in these products on one day. The volume included 13,714,248 MWh from the registration of trades for clearing (so-called "Trade Registration").

In the past year, EEX already significantly increased the volume on the Power Derivatives Market from 931 TWh to 1,264 TWh. This formed a 36-percent increase. In the year 2013, 4.8 TWh per day were traded in Phelix Futures on average as against a volume of 3.5 TWh in 2012.

The Phelix Future is a derivatives contract for the German/Austrian market area with financial settlement and is also the most liquid exchange contract in European power wholesale trading. The future refers to the "Physical Electricity Index" ("Phelix"), which is established on a daily basis on the Power Spot Market of EPEX SPOT.

In addition to the Phelix Future, EEX offers trading in physical and financial futures for the French market area. Furthermore, it launched trading in physical power futures for Belgium and the Netherlands in September 2013 and offers Trade Registration services for Italian, Romanian, Scandinavian and Swiss power futures in addition.

The European Energy Exchange (EEX) is the leading energy exchange in Europe. It develops, operates and connects secure, liquid and transparent markets for energy and related products on which power, natural gas, CO2 emission allowances and coal are traded. Clearing and settlement of all trading transactions are provided by the clearing house European Commodity Clearing AG (ECC). EEX is a member of Eurex Group.

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