By inviting two personalities of the EuroMaidan protest movement, the EESC President, Henri Malosse, confirmed the strong support of the European civil society while the Ukrainian Parliament has restricted the legislative framework of the right to protest. Ruslana Lyzhychko, an emblematic figure of the EuroMaidan and Oleksiy Honcharuk, a spokesperson for the movement, discussed with representatives of European civil society the expectations of protesters towards Europe, at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) on 21 January 2014.

In December, an EESC delegation led by its president Henri Malosse travelled to Kiev to meet with those protesting against the postponing of the signature of the Association Agreement with the European Union and to understand their expectations. The EESC plenary session was an opportunity to bring the voice of the Ukrainian people to Brussels. It is the civil society which is in the street today", declared Henri Malosse. "This mobilization of the Ukrainian people is crucial and historic. Europe must not miss this appointment.

According to the EESC, which adopted a resolution on this topic, the fact the Ukrainian Parliament has restricted the framework of the right to protest is a worrying sign while the protest has lasted for several months. Right now, it is essential that the EU formally commits to opposing any repression that may be led against this movement.

For Ruslana Lyzhychko, the European and Euro-Atlantic integration is a positive step because it would involve democratic principles and genuine involvement of civil society. Europe can and must do more", she said. We expect of it more than just diplomatic support, but real concrete actions to help the Ukrainian people. Among these were mentioned a visa-free regime between the EU and Ukraine, the prospect of accession to the EU, etc.

In December 2013, the EESC President wished that the European perspective allows to strengthen ties between Ukraine and its neighbours: Choosing Europe does not mean choosing between Brussels and Moscow. This is a process of adhering to values such as democracy, tolerance and respect for others.

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