STORY: This video launched Donald Trump's account on TikTok - the short video app that he once tried to ban as president on national security grounds.

Roughly a day since joining, his account @realdonaldtrump had attracted 3 million followers.

The decision to join TikTok - which is used by 170 million Americans - could help the Republican presidential candidate in his third bid for the White House.

Trump's in a close race with Democratic President Joe Biden ahead of the presidential election in November.

Biden's election campaign is already on TikTok, even though the incumbent president has signed a bill that would ban the app if its Chinese owner ByteDance fails to divest it.

ByteDance is currently challenging that law in federal court.

Back in 2020, Trump's attempt to ban TikTok was blocked by the courts.

More recently, he said that while he still considers the platform to be a national security threat,

getting rid of it would hurt some young people and strengthen Facebook, which he has strongly criticized.

Trump already has an active social media presence with more than 87 million followers on X and over 7 million followers on his own platform, Truth Social.