Government supporting a stronger economy in an uncertain world by confirming that it is on track to fulfill its commitment to Canadians to balance the budget in 2015

January 2, 2015 - Ottawa, Ontario - Department of Finance

Finance Minister Joe Oliver today highlighted how the Harper Government's commitment to Canadians to return to budget balance will help support jobs, growth and long-term prosperity for Canadians in 2015.

Quick Facts
  • Balancing the budget is a means to increase Canada's economic potential, improve employment opportunities for Canadians and raise the nation's standard of living.
  • The benefits of balancing the budget and reducing debt include:
    • Ensuring that tax dollars are used to support important social services-like elderly benefits and health care-rather than paying interest costs;
    • Instilling confidence in consumers and investors, whose dollars spur economic growth and job creation; and,
    • Strengthening the country's ability to respond to longer-term challenges, such as population aging, unexpected global economic shocks, and global security threats.

"With balanced budgets in sight, our Government can provide further tax relief for Canadian families. The Harper Government has remained steadfast in its commitment to returning Canada to balanced budgets. A sound fiscal position is necessary for economic growth and job creation and to protect against international shocks. Balancing the budget ensures the long-term sustainability of important social programs like health care that Canadians rely on."

- Joe Oliver, Minister of Finance

Related Products
  • Economic Action Plan 2014
  • Harper Government Releases Economic and Fiscal Update
Media Contacts

Nicholas Bergamini
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Finance

Stéphanie Rubec
Media Relations
Department of Finance

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