18 January 2013

Fast action by DAFF biosecurity officers has led to the containment of a potentially serious quarantine threat - the coffee berry borer - in Queensland.

Two 25-kilogram consignments of coffee seeds (Coffea arabica) were recently imported into Cairns without an import permit and in contravention of the Quarantine Act. One of the consignments was delivered to the importer and the seeds were planted in a nursery in a hothouse.

The import discrepancies were picked up by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, prompting officers to investigate.

The second unreleased consignment of seeds was inspected and found to be infested with Hypothenemus hampei or coffee berry borer and mites. The consignment was seized by DAFF.

Officers visited the nursery and found the planted seeds from the first consignment to also be infested. Approximately 88,000 seeds were seized and are in secure quarantine. The affected property will also be treated to kill any pests that might be in the area.

The importation and release of the seeds in contravention of quarantine and import requirements is a very serious matter currently under investigation.

This issue is being taken very seriously by both the Commonwealth and state governments. The department is working closely with Biosecurity Queensland to establish a surveillance program to protect the Australian coffee industry.

The local coffee industry has been advised of the incident and is aware of the need for ongoing surveillance.

The likelihood of this incident leading to the establishment of the coffee berry borer in the Australian environment is considered remote - it is too early in the season for maturing coffee berries to occur and these are critical for coffee berry borer to establish. Additionally, the seeds were located and seized before they had germinated.

The collaboration between both levels of government, with support from the Australian coffee industry, ensures an effective response to exotic pests and ensures Australia remains free from the coffee berry borer.

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