

European Union celebrates 40 years in Canada

OTTAWA - 2016 marks the 40th anniversary of the European Union in Canada - four decades since the opening of its diplomatic representation in Ottawa, and of the 1976 Framework Agreement for commercial and economic cooperation between the European Communities and Canada. The 1976Framework Agreement, the first of its kind between the European Union and an industrialised country, enabled the European Union and Canada to turn their purely economic relationship into a solid Strategic Partnership.

"This year we celebrate the strong friendship, the Strategic Partnership between Canada and the European Union, a relationship spanning generations, one built on common values, shared cultural and historic ties," said Marie-Anne Coninsx, Ambassador of the European Union to Canada. "Over the last four decades, the European Union too has grown from nine Member States in 1976 to 28 today and has become a powerful political and economic Union."

Today, the European Union and Canada work closely together on global challenges, such as climate change, energy security and regional stability throughout the world. Canada also participates in EU election observation missions and EU civilian and military operations. The European Union is Canada's second largest trading and investment partner, an economic partnership that will become even stronger once the Comprehensive Trade and Economic Agreement (CETA) comes into force.

The Delegation in Ottawa, headed by a resident Ambassador, was officially opened on 19 February 1976 by François-Xavier Ortoli, then President of the European Commission, the executive branch of the European Union who, during his visit, met also with the then Prime Minister of Canada, Pierre Trudeau.

This jubilee year comes at a time of enriched relations between the European Union and Canada, symbolized by the new Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) and CETA.

To underscore this anniversary year, the European Union Delegation organises a series of commemorative activities throughout 2016, including conferences, cultural activities, sporting events and online photo/drawing contests.

Follow #EUCanada40, @EUinCanada and facebook.com/EUinCanada for upcoming events this year. The EU Ambassador represents the Union in Canada and heads the European Union Delegation. Its

mandate is to promote the policies and positions of the European Union in Canada, to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the European Union as well as to give visibility, promote and strengthen EU-Canada relations. The EU Delegation also coordinates activities of European Union Member States in Canada, under the rules of the Treaty on European Union. Of the European Union's 28 Member States, 26 have diplomatic missions in Ottawa.


For more information on the European Union and the 40th anniversary or to set up interviews, contact Press Officer Diodora Bucur (Diodora.Bucur@eeas.europa.eu) at 613-563-6354.


L'Union européenne célèbre 40 ans au Canada

OTTAWA - 2016 marque le 40e anniversaire de l'Union européenne au Canada - quatre décennies depuis l'ouverture de sa représentation diplomatique à Ottawa, et la signature de l'Accord-cadre de coopération commerciale et économique entre les Communautés européennes et le Canada. L'Accord-cadre de 1976, le premier en son genre entre l'Union européenne et un pays industrialisé, a permis à l'Union européenne et au Canada de transformer leur relation purement économique en un Partenariat Stratégique solide.

« Cette année nous célébrons une amitié forte, le Partenariat Stratégique entre le Canada et l'Union européenne, une relation qui s'étend sur plusieurs générations, bâtie sur des valeurs communes et des liens culturels et historiques que nous partageons » a dit Marie-Anne Coninsx, Ambassadeur de l'Union européenne au Canada. « Au cours des quatre dernières décennies, l'Union européenne est passée de 9 États membres en 1976 à 28 aujourd'hui et est devenue une puissante Union politique et économique. »

Aujourd'hui l'Union européenne et le Canada travaillent ensembles sur de nombreux défis globaux tels que le changement climatique, la sécurité énergétique, et la stabilité régionale à travers le monde. Le Canada participe également aux missions d'observation électorale, ainsi qu'aux opérations civiles et militaires de l'UE. L'Union européenne est le deuxième partenaire commercial et investisseur au Canada, un partenariat économique qui se renforcera encore avec l'entrée en force de l'Accord économique et commercial global (AECG).

La Délégation à Ottawa, dirigée par un Ambassadeur résident, a été officiellement ouverte le 19 février 1976 par François-Xavier Ortoli, alors Président de la Commission européenne, l'organe exécutif de l'Union européenne, qui a également rencontré le Premier Ministre du Canada, Pierre Trudeau lors de sa visite.

Cette année d'anniversaire arrive à un moment de renouveau dans les relations entre l'Union européenne et le Canada, symbolisé par le nouvel Accord de partenariat stratégique (APS) et l'AECG.

Pour souligner cet anniversaire, la Délégation de l'Union européenne organise une série d'activités commémoratives tout au long de l'année 2016, y compris des conférences, des activités culturelles,

des évènements sportifs ainsi que des concours de photos/dessin en ligne.

Suivez #UECanada40, @EUinCanada et facebook.com/EUinCanada pour plus d'information sur les évènements à venir.

L'Ambassadeur de l'UE représente l'Union au Canada et dirige la Délégation de l'Union européenne. Son mandat est de promouvoir les politiques et les positions de l'Union européenne au Canada, d'améliorer la connaissance et la compréhension de l'Union européenne ainsi que de donner de la visibilité, de promouvoir et de renforcer les relations UE-Canada. La Délégation de l'UE coordonne également les activités des États membres de l'Union européenne au Canada, en vertu des règles du Traité sur l'Union européenne. Sur les 28 États membres de l'Union européenne, 26 ont des missions diplomatiques à Ottawa.


Pour plus d'informations sur l'Union européenne et le 40e anniversaire, ou pour organiser des entretiens, veuillez contacter l'attaché de presse Diodora Bucur (Diodora.Bucur@eeas.europa.eu) au 613-563-6354.

European Union-Canada Factsheet Overview

While European Union-Canada diplomatic relations date back to 1959, 1976 marked an historic development in the bilateral relationship with the signature of the Framework Agreement for commercial and economic cooperation between the two partners. It was also in 1976 that the European Union officially opened its diplomatic mission - the European Union Delegation to Canada

  • with a mandate to represent the European Union in Canada. The 40th commemorative year will be

    • Canada is one of the European Union's nine Strategic Partners worldwide. The European Union and Canada maintain a strong political dialogue ranging from regular political meetings of Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers to regular meetings of government officials. In 2014, the European Union and Canada initialed the ambitious Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) that provides an overall framework for their bilateral relations.

    • SPA replaces the 1976 Framework Agreement with a modern Treaty reflecting the major developments within the European Union and EU-Canada relations over the last decades. SPA will reinforce cooperation in such strategic areas as international peace and security, the fight against terrorism, human rights, environment, research & innovation, energy security, climate change and education.

    • The European Union and Canada have successfully built a solid platform for foreign policy cooperation. As a Strategic Partner, the European Union holds regular consultations with Canada on various regional, global and horizontal issues. Canada is a valued participant in

celebrated throughout 2016.

Political Relations

the EU's civilian missions and military operations under the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). Canada and the European Union also join forces on electoral observation missions.

  • The European Union is an active player and stakeholder in the High North. The European Union and Canada actively cooperate on various Arctic issues, in particular at the Arctic Council. The European Union is also a major supporter of Research & Innovation cooperation with particular focus on Arctic and Marine research under Horizon 2020 funding programme. The European Union Ambassador has been to the Canadian Arctic and constantly engages with authorities in the three Canadian Territories as well as with representatives of the Indigenous People of the North.

  • The European Union will continue the work with Canada to promote student/youth mobility and work and facilitate people-to-people exchanges. Erasmus Plus - the EU's signature scholarships programme for education, training, youth and sport - offers great opportunities for Canadians.

    Economic and Trade Relations

  • The 2014 Canada-EU Summit in Ottawa marked the end of the negotiations on the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA). CETA will remove 99 percent of tariffs between the two economies, create considerable new market access opportunities in services and investment, and provide huge benefits for both parties.

  • Once implemented, CETA is expected to increase two-way bilateral trade in goods and services by 23 percent or €26 billion, fostering growth and employment on both sides of the Atlantic.

  • The European Union is Canada's second most important trading partner, after the U.S., accounting for 9.4 percent of Canada's total external trade in goods. Canada is the EU's 12th most important trading partner with 1.7 percent of the EU's total external trade.

  • The value of bilateral trade in goods between the EU and Canada has seen a steady growth over the last decade. It was estimated at €59.1 billion in 2014, up from €38.5 billion in 2004. Trade in services is an important area of the EU-Canada economic relationship. The value of bilateral trade in services between the two partners amounted to €27.2 billion in 2014.

  • The investment relationship is equally highly important. In 2013, European investors held investments worth €225.2 billion in Canada while Canadian direct investment stocks in the EU amounted to almost €117.0 billion. EU is Canada's second investment partner and Canada, the EU's fourth. CETA will provide even more investment opportunities on both sides of the Atlantic.

  • Energy and climate change are two priority areas in which the European Union and Canada will strengthen their cooperation in 2016.

For more information about the European Union and EU-Canada cooperation, click here.

Delegation of the European Union to Canada issued this content on 2016-01-15 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 2016-01-15 18:37:03 UTC

Original Document: http://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/canada/documents/news/news2016/40_pressrelease.pdf