"I wouldn't be too relaxed about the markets and 2023 may well be a year where we see tighter markets than some colleagues may think," IEA Executive Director Birol said in an interview with the Reuters Global Markets Forum in Davos.

Brent crude futures were last down 84 cents, or 1%, to $84.14 a barrel at 0710 GMT.

Two Gulf OPEC+ producers, UAE energy minister Suhail al-Mazrouei and Saudi Aramco chief Amin Nasser, have said this week they see oil markets as balanced.

Birol told Reuters on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting in Davos that even though currently there was no tightness in the market, there were uncertainties to watch out for, namely Chinese demand and Russian supply.

"If (the) Chinese economy rebounds this year, which many financial institutions expect, then we may see demand to be very strong and put pressure on the markets," he said.

On Russia, Birol said there were many question marks over its ability to export because of Western sanctions, but also longer term because of its own challenges.

International firms that had helped Russian oilfields become productive have all left, he said.

"Looking a bit longer term, I believe Russia's oil industry will face huge challenges."

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(Editing by Alexander Smith)

By Divya Chowdhury and Maha El Dahan