Mastitis control course Published 21 January 15

DairyCo is running a two day course for vets and consultants who wish to offer the DairyCo Mastitis Control Plan as a service to clients with the first day on the 4 February at Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire.

The control plan is tailored to each individual farm - depending on the farm's own circumstances and identifies those factors which contribute to higher incidence of mastitis and cell count problems. Delivery of the plan is made up of a number of components including use of clinical and milk recording data, on-farm assessments of aspects of cattle housing and environment along with parlour routine.

Derek Armstrong, DairyCo programme manager for endemic diseases says: "Mastitis is the most costly animal health condition managed by UK dairy farmers. At a time when prices and margins are under severe pressure DairyCo Mastitis Control Plan provides valuable tools and resources to help dairy farmers and their advisers better manage mastitis and milk quality." Some experience of using milk recording data to identify patterns in relation to sub clinical and clinical infection would be desirable for those planning to take this course. As it is run across two days, the second date being  18 March, attendees are able to implement the plan on a farm and talk through any issues arising within the group. "It is important to understand that the reduction in cows with clinical mastitis does not happen purely because herds are on the DairyCo Mastitis Control Plan. Compliance and a willingness to change management practices and other areas of the farm, is essential. Studies show that the greater the level of compliance with the recommendations produced by the plan, the better the effect on overall mastitis incidence."

The cost of the course is £535 plus VAT. For more information and to sign up, contact DairyCo on

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