Pursuant to Art. 65 of the Law on Capital Market ("Official Gazette RS", No. 31/2011)

Joint Stock Insurance Company
"DDOR Novi Sad" Novi Sad
Novi Sad, 8 Mihajlo Pupin Boulevard
Registration number: 08194815
Prevailing business activity: 6512 Non-life Insurance
on 20.01.2015 publishes


Joint Stock Insurance Company "DDOR Novi Sad" Novi Sad held the extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting on Monday, 19th January 2015, in Novi Sad, at the business premises of "DDOR Novi Sad" a.d.o. Novi Sad, 8 Mihajlo Pupin Boulevard, in Conference Room III on the first floor, starting at noon.

The following decisions were unanimously adopted at the regular session of the Shareholders' Meeting:

  1. Decision on election of the President of the Shareholders' Meeting;
  1. Decision on appointing the Voting Committee;
  1. Decision on adopting the Minutes of the extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of "DDOR Novi Sad" a.d.o. Novi Sad held on August 5, 2014;
  1. Decision on dismissal of a member of the Board of Directors of "DDOR Novi Sad "a.d.o. Novi Sad;
  1. Decision on appointing a member of the Board of Directors of "DDOR Novi Sad" a.d.o. Novi Sad - Dr Luca Zaccherini;
  1. Decision on appointing a member of the Board of Directors of "DDOR Novi Sad" a.d.o. Novi Sad - Dr Giorgio Ambrogio Marchegiani;
  1. Decision on appointing a member of the Board of Directors of "DDOR Novi Sad" a.d.o. Novi Sad - Dr Alfonso Roberto Galante;
                                                                                               GENERAL DIRECTOR
                                                                                               Dr Giorgio Ambrogio Marchegiani
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