ꢀ ꢀ "HOMEꢀ&ꢀFAMILY"ꢀ ꢀ






Belowꢀ areꢀ highlightsꢀ forꢀ theꢀ upcomingꢀ Thursday,ꢀ Januaryꢀ 10,ꢀ 2019ꢀ telecastꢀ ofꢀ "Homeꢀ &ꢀ Family"ꢀ onꢀ Hallmarkꢀ Channel.ꢀ ꢀ "Homeꢀ &ꢀ Family,"ꢀ currentlyꢀ inꢀ itsꢀ seventhꢀ season,ꢀ isꢀ theꢀ onlyꢀ daytimeꢀ lifestyleꢀ seriesꢀ onꢀ cableꢀ televisionꢀ withꢀ 52ꢀ consecutiveꢀ weeksꢀ ofꢀ newꢀ episodes.ꢀ Debbieꢀ Matenopoulosꢀ andꢀ Cameronꢀ Mathisonꢀ hostꢀ theꢀ seventhꢀ seasonꢀ ofꢀ theꢀ three-timeꢀDaytimeꢀEmmy®ꢀnominatedꢀHallmarkꢀChannelꢀoriginalꢀlifestyleꢀseries.ꢀ"Homeꢀ&ꢀ Family"ꢀ airsꢀ newꢀ originalꢀ episodesꢀ Mondayꢀ throughꢀ Fridayꢀ (10a.m.ꢀ ET/PT,ꢀ 9Cꢀ -ꢀ 12p.m. ET/PT,ꢀ11C)ꢀonꢀHallmarkꢀChannel.ꢀ

THURSDAY,ꢀ Januaryꢀ 10ꢀ -ꢀ Debbieꢀ Matenopoulosꢀ andꢀ Cameronꢀ Mathisonꢀ welcomeꢀ singerꢀandꢀTVꢀhostꢀJoeyFatoneꢀ andꢀ heꢀ preparesꢀ delicious,ꢀ gourmetꢀ hotꢀ dogs.ꢀ ChefꢀDaniel Greenꢀ cooksꢀ Asianꢀ fusionꢀ crabꢀ cakes.ꢀ Chefꢀ Michael Schlowꢀ isꢀ inꢀ ourꢀ kitchenꢀ withꢀ mezziꢀ rigatoniꢀ andꢀ spicyꢀ sausageꢀ ragu.ꢀ Larissaꢀ Wohlꢀ isꢀ joinedꢀ byꢀ "Whoꢀ Savedꢀ Who"ꢀ singer,ꢀ countryꢀ musicꢀ artistꢀ Wade Hayes.ꢀ 2018ꢀ Californiaꢀ Missꢀ Amazingꢀ Missꢀ Queen,ꢀ Caley Versfeltꢀandꢀstateꢀdirector,ꢀMadisenHillꢀvisitꢀourꢀhome.ꢀCameronꢀsharesꢀhisꢀfavoriteꢀappsꢀ forꢀ winterꢀ activities.ꢀ Paigeꢀ Hemmisꢀ makesꢀ aꢀ hotꢀ cocoaꢀ bar.ꢀ Kenꢀ Wingardꢀ stylesꢀ aꢀ winterꢀ coffeeꢀtable.ꢀLawrenceꢀZarianꢀisꢀhereꢀwithꢀsnowꢀbootꢀfashion.ꢀ

Tracyꢀ Vernaꢀ Soisethꢀ isꢀ theꢀ executiveꢀ producerꢀ ofꢀ "Homeꢀ &ꢀ Family."ꢀ Jeffꢀ Rifkin,ꢀ Jonathanꢀ X,ꢀ Miguelꢀ Enciso,ꢀ andꢀ Ashleyꢀ Sandovalꢀ areꢀ theꢀ directors.ꢀ "Homeꢀ &ꢀ Family"ꢀ isꢀ broadcastꢀ inꢀ 1080i,ꢀ Hallmarkꢀ Channel'sꢀ selectedꢀ HDꢀ Format.ꢀ ꢀ Thisꢀ programꢀ carriesꢀ aꢀ TV-Gꢀ parentalꢀguideline.ꢀ

ꢀ Forꢀmoreꢀinformationꢀonꢀ"Homeꢀ&ꢀFamily"ꢀpleaseꢀvisit:ꢀHallmarkꢀChannelꢀHomeꢀ&ꢀFamilyꢀ ꢀ

Forꢀpressꢀinformation,ꢀphotosꢀandꢀvideoꢀclipsꢀpleaseꢀvisit:ꢀCrownꢀMediaꢀPressꢀ ꢀ

Homeꢀ&ꢀFamilyꢀonꢀSocialꢀMedia:ꢀFacebook,ꢀTwitter,Pinterest,ꢀYouTubeꢀ ꢀ

PRESSꢀCONTACT: SheriꢀGoldberg,ꢀpublicity@homeandfamilytv.comꢀ RonꢀDelꢀRio,ꢀ818.755.2423,ꢀrondelrio@crownmedia.com ꢀ ###ꢀ


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Crown Media Holdings Inc. published this content on 09 January 2019 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 10 January 2019 00:38:04 UTC