Creekstone Farms Premium Beef, a trusted brand for supplying premium USDA-certified Black Angus Beef and Duroc Pork products with a long-standing reputation for humane handling, announces today that Humane Farm Animal Care officially certified its Natural Black Angus Beef. The third party organization, an industry leader, verified that Creekstone Farms meets defined objective standards for humane care.

“We’ve always felt treating the animals humanely is the right thing to do," says Ryan Meyer, Director of Cattle Procurement. "Our cattle handling facilities were designed by Dr. Temple Grandin to minimize stress at our facility. Creekstone Farms sees Certified Humane verification as the logical next step. We have always been focused on low stress animal handling practices, but a third party verification by Humane Farm Animal Care gives consumers even more confidence that we are practicing what we preach.”

Creekstone Farms has been committed to humane handling throughout its company history, as their cattle-receiving facility was the first to be built from the ground up according to the standards of consultant and livestock facility designer, Dr. Temple Grandin. Creekstone Farms did not change its beef production process to qualify for Certified Humane®. In order to be eligible for the certification, Creekstone passed stringent audits that follow the animals from birth throughout their lives.

According to Adele Douglass, executive director for HFAC, there is a growing consumer demand for humanely raised food. “People want to know how farm animals are being raised and handled on the farm,” she says. “Creekstone Farms’ recent certification of their Black Angus cattle shows consumers that animal welfare is a continuing priority for them.”

Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC) is the leading international non-profit certification organization dedicated to improving the lives of farm animals in food production from birth through slaughter.

Customers will now see the Certified Humane Raised and Handled® label on all Creekstone Farms Natural Black Angus Beef products, which can be ordered online at or through a partnering retailer.

About Creekstone Farms

The choice of food lovers across the world, Creekstone Farms Premium Beef LLC is USDA-certified by the Agriculture Marketing Service (AMS) and supplies many of the nation’s top grocers and restaurants with a variety of high-quality meat products, including Black Angus Beef, Antibiotic-Free Duroc Pork and their value-added products. Creekstone Farms exports its premium quality products to Europe, Latin America and Asia, and is owned by Sun Capital Partners, one of America’s largest private investment companies.