The Connected Vehicle Trade Association (CVTA) and MusiComms™ are teaming up to identify key business and technical requirements for music delivery in the connected vehicle. The organizations announced that they will collaborate with the automotive and music industries to collect input on customer preferences, automaker needs, and necessary technologies and partnerships that will offer an improved future music experience in the connected vehicle. Requirements will be published in Q4 of 2016.

“Customer experience goes hand in hand with connectivity in the vehicle,” said Scott McCormick, President of CVTA, “and music is an essential part of the driving experience. It is imperative that all the stakeholders collaborate to identify important business and technology requirements to guarantee a successful solution in this area.”

As the trade association for connected vehicles, CVTA is engaged in connectivity from the automobile to the home to the city environment.

“MusiComms is committed to improving dialogue between the technology and music sectors and focuses on areas of innovation around communications networking. We understand the importance of the connected lifestyle and the technologies that enable it. This type of partnership is essential to getting a 360-degree solution that is both desired and implementable,” said Juliet Shavit, Executive Director of MusiComms.

As part of identifying these requirements, both organizations will collaborate on surveying the industries as well as the analysis and interpretation of the results. The paper, highlighting the key requirements, will be published at the end of 2016 and will be made available through both organizations.

About the Connected Vehicle Trade Association (CVTA)

The Connected Vehicle Trade Association (CVTA) is a non-profit business league established to facilitate the interaction and advance the interests of the entities involved in the vehicle communication environment. The CVTA enables the collaboration of companies, organizations, and governmental bodies engaged in developing bidirectional vehicle communications. Current CVTA members include automotive suppliers, telematics companies, telecommunication firms, application and service providers, communication infrastructure companies as well as system integrators.

About MusiComms™

MusiComms™ is a global initiative dedicated to collaboration between the music and communications industries with the goal of seeking out new opportunities for innovation and long-term sustainability and profitability of both markets.

As a consortium, MusiComms™ hosts a number of activities that bring together leadership from music and technology-driven industries to develop, innovate and implement new revenue models and marketing opportunities, with the ultimate goal of leveraging music to distinguish brand and fuel business opportunities.