The Confederation of Tunisian Citizen Enterprises (CONECT) stressed the need to postpone the implementation of the provisions of Article 52 of the Finance Act 2022, on the cancellation of VAT imposition on international companies and exporting companies.

CONECT recommended, in a statement at the end of its board and its annual general assembly meeting held virtually on Saturday to open a dialogue on Article 52 at a time when investors voice their concern about the application of this article on industrial exporting companies.

Participants in this meeting, which brought together members of the national executive board, presidents of regional offices, professional groups and partners, focused on the main activities of the organization, addressing mainly issues related to the general situation of the country and particularly the economic, social and health situation.

CONECT expressed its concern about the continuing economic and financial crisis in Tunisia but also the deterioration of the business climate at a time when the pandemic of COVID-19 is gaining ground.

It has also expressed its concern about the continuity of the tax pressure, given its negative impact on the national economic fabric by promoting the development of the parallel economy, and the absence of the principle of tax justice.

The organisation warned against the priority of rationalising the subsidy system in connection with the problems related to the bread sector but also the difficulties related to the energy deficit and stalling renewable energy projects.

It stressed the need to reassure investors and accelerate negotiations with international organisations and the supervision of SMEs, but also to address the structural crisis that the tourism sector and find radical solutions to the legislative blockage that hinders the development of renewable energy projects.

CONECT also emphasised the need to undertake deep tax reforms, to accelerate the pace of dematerialization of the administration and to strengthen the vaccination campaign against the coronavirus, as the only solution to get out of the health crisis and the perverse economic effects.

Copyright Tunis Afrique Presse. Distributed by AllAfrica Global Media (, source News Service English