At the beginning of 2018, the news broke about Meltdown and Spectre, two new computer vulnerabilities that put almost all processors manufactured in the last 20 years at risk for a cyberattack. According to The New York Times, almost all devices can possess the security flaw including desktops, laptops, cloud-based computers, tablets, smartphones, and other gadgets.

This news made waves in all aspects of a business, including the less obvious impact it had on the customer support teams. noHold works with some of the leaders in PC manufacturing and in the software industry. As you can imagine, these type of companies saw a significant increase in Virtual Assistant interactions regarding the crisis. The bulk of the questions being asked were, “Am I affected?” and, “How do I fix it?”

Here is a quick summary showing just how quickly these companies were able to respond to their customers through the virtual assistant.

  • At 9:15 am we got a call from some of our customer regarding the potential knowledge gap regarding the recent Spectre/Meltdown news.
  • Immediately, noHold was able to look at the metrics and confirm that 5% of all contacts were about Spectre and Meltdown.
  • By 10:10 am, relevant content was uploaded and live on the Virtual Assistant.
  • In a matter of a week, the Virtual Assistant has successfully answered 97% of the questions regarding the crisis. The number is continuously growing as the security flaws become better known to the public.

This is a real time example of how a Virtual Assistant can help companies in the midst of a crisis. These companies were able to provide their customers with answers through their preferred channel, avoid a spike in call center interactions, and do it quickly. Diego Ventura, CEO and Founder of noHold adds, “Avoiding or helping a customer manage a crisis is one the most important things we do. I’m glad we played a role in helping customers better deal with this issue.”

About noHold, Inc.

noHold is a privately held company established in 1999 and is headquartered in Milpitas, CA, USA (Silicon Valley). noHold is the acknowledged leader in Web based Self-service solutions with a mission to deliver real answers to real questions – real fast. Simple to use, easy to implement and as close to human as you can get, noHold turns automated customer support into cognitive customer interactions. noHold customers include Cisco, Dell, Intel and a host of industry leaders. More information can be found at or subscribe to noHold’s vlog to hear more from CEO, Diego Ventura.

All other product and service names are the property of their respective owners.

Copyright © noHold Inc. 2018