Compellon™, developer of breakthrough prescriptive analytics software that quickly and easily delivers immediately-actionable intelligence, today announced the launch of a new vertical solution, Compellon20|20 for Credit Unions, that helps credit unions identify and act on the drivers of member retention and growth. The solution consists of a combination of software and services to ensure that credit unions get the answers they need from their data and can quickly act on them to accelerate decision-making in their organizations.

“We believe this represents another example of Compellon’s approach to revolutionizing how our customers, in this case credit unions, think about the member experience,” said Compellon Chief Executive Officer Ken Charhut. “In minutes, we help them uncover what drives satisfaction and retention and what actions they need to take to immediately improve the experience.”

With a strong focus on serving members and helping them meet their financial goals, credit unions are increasingly turning to data in order to better understand members and their behaviors. However, translating insights into action remains a challenge for many, often due to a shortage of analytical resources and expertise, lengthy analytical cycles, and complexities involved in interpreting data to identify the root cause of what to do about it. With Compellon’s solution, credit unions save time and money and accelerate time to action.

“I’m old enough to recall when analytics like Compellon’s cost so much in time and effort, it just wasn’t worth doing,” said Bill Daily, Vice President of Marketing and Member Experience at Rio Grande Credit Union. “Using Compellon20|20 as part of the Compellon solution for credit unions allowed us to take large data sets, quickly determine satisfaction drivers, then focus on those vital few activities that generate the greatest payoff. Without Compellon, we would have dispersed our scarce resources across too many ineffective activities, and then hoped for the best. Compellon provides a fact-based and disciplined approach to answering that age-old member satisfaction question, ‘OK. Now what?’”

About Compellon

As the pioneer of making prescriptive analytics fast and easy to use, California-based Compellon delivers the most actionable intelligence available, enlightening users about not only what will happen but also why. The patent-pending Compellon20|20 software platform empowers teams working in customer experience, marketing, manufacturing, and operations to accelerate decision-making and time to action. It uses a breakthrough approach to artificial intelligence that enables organizations to harness predictive insights in data to get clear and simple answers in seconds or minutes, whenever needed, regardless of analytical skill. Automatically-generated models power actionable prescriptive outputs that explain exactly where to focus and precisely what to do in order to reach the desired outcome. These insights guide strategic actions, such as the best scenario to pursue or segment to address, as well as ongoing tactical and personalized actions, such as what individuals to target and with what offer. For more information, visit