Cinema City International N.V. with its corporate seat in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, (the "Company") informs that on 2 January 2013 the Company was notified by two members of the Management Board that their affiliated company Israel Theatres Ltd (in the meaning of Article 160.2.4.a) of the Polish Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005):

  1. On 27 December 2012 purchased 7 600 shares of the Company in transactions during the session on the regulated market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The average price in these transactions was PLN 26.09 per share. Transactions will be settled on 3 January 2013,
  2. On 28 December 2012 purchased 3 831 shares of the Company in transactions during the session on the regulated market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The average price in these transactions was PLN 26.02 per share. Transactions will be settled on 4 January 2013.

Legal grounds: Article 5:53 and subsequent of the Dutch Act of 28 September 2006 on rules regarding the financial markets and their supervision (Act on Financial Supervision - Wft.) in conjunction with Article160.4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005 in conjunction with Article 56.1 of the Act on Public Offerings, Conditions governing the Introduction of Shares to Organised Trading and on Public Companies.

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