President Guo Wenqing of MCC Group met with an official delegation of Dongcheng District at the Headquarter of MCC Group in Beijing on January 21, 2014. The delegation was led by Secretary Yang Liuyin of CPC Dongcheng District Committee. Both parties conducted discussion in a friendly and cordial atmosphere, exchanged views and entered into agreement on further strengthening strategic cooperation and promoting mutual prosperity on a win-win basis.
At the outset, Guo Wenqing extended warm welcome to Secretary Yang Liuyin and his delegation members for their visiting to MCC Group. He pointed out that, MCC Group made friends with Dongcheng District long time ago, both parties conducted smooth collaboration and established deep friendship.
President Guo made a briefing on the history and development situation the business sectors of MCC Group. According to Guo, MCC Group has established itself into the worldwide largest contractor for metallurgical engineering and the service provider for upgrading and transformation of metallurgical engineering technologies, undertaking the design and engineering construction work for almost 90% of the major domestic steel works.
Guo Wenqin stated that, MCC Group had doubled efforts on reform, innovation and transformation development. Through the real estate and infrastructure development, which are deemed to be the key points for transformation, MCC Group has acquired remarkable advantages in terms of the overall industrial chain services (including design, project construction and supervision) and the advantages of cost and management, as well as the advanced areas such as the urban complex, high-rise buildings, large-sized stadium and large-span steel structure. Up to now, MCC Group has accumulated rich experiences through quite a few major domestic and foreign works, for instance: (i) comprehensive development of Hengqin Islands in Zhuhai City of Guangdong Province; (ii) Baoding Vanbo Plaza, with a height of 228 meters, the highest building in Hebei Province; (iii) Hengqin Headquarter Building in Zhuhai of Guangdong Province, with a height of 480 meters; and (iv) Universal Studios Sentosa in Singapore. In the next stage, MCC Group will focus upon the exploration of Beijing market. Dongcheng District enjoys unique location advantages and a fast growth rate. Guo expected Dongcheng District Government to designate the toughest tasks to MCC. The Group will take root in Dongcheng District and make active contribution to the economic and social development of the local area. Guo and Yang agreed that a couple of cooperative frame agreements would be signed as soon as possible after the Spring Festival.
Yang Liuyin expressed gratitude to Guo and the other leaders of MCC Group for the hospitality. He added that, Dongcheng District Government and MCC Group had not only established joint ventures but also conduced cooperative projects. On this ground, both parties maintain a sound partnership and deep affection.
Afterwards Yang made a brief introduction to the information of Dongcheng District. As the old part of the city, though this District leaves limited space for development, some areas suffer from serious aging problems and are need to be redeveloped. He wished MCC Group to make full play of the central enterprise's advantages, the professional expertise and the successful experiences, actively participate in the development of real estate and infrastructure in this area. Yang also promised that Dongcheng District Government would offer essential support for this purpose.
Relevant leaders and staff were present at the meeting.

Guo Wenqing talks with Yang Liuyin

Meeting of both parties

Guo Wenqing has a picture taken with Yang Liuyin

All leaders present at the meeting

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