Conditions on site continue to be a little damp, with 19mm of rainfall to date in December.
Soil temperatures have actually risen slightly to the dizzy heights of 4.50c. The storms have
been and gone with no significant damage on site except for the loss of some of the
'sophisticated' pigeon control equipment.

Winter Oilseed Rape
The winter oilseed rape plots continue to maintain good ground coverage, there is some
reinfection of Phoma but a fungicide application is planned as soon as conditions allow.
The pigeons continue to pass us by, but one must suspect that this year there are plenty of
full fields of rape plants that are easier pickings.

Winter Cereals
The winter cereals continue to develop steadily and are primed ready for winter with very
little signs of disease. Most of the spring cereals have been drilled and are now starting to
emerge with a bit of a shiver!
Ninety to ninety five percent of the site is green with either plots or the surrounding grass
areas. This is a significant difference to this time last year but does emphasis the major
impact of the weather on establishing the site for June.
Best wishes

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