TV personality Dr. David Samadi, Chairman of Urology and Chief of Robotic surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, has a passion for bringing awareness of health issues to people who may not have access to doctors or other medical professionals. This past summer, Samadi and his team launched a web version of the popular Sunday House Call television segment on

It’s objective to have his TV show feature relevant health topics providing the public with sought-after answers and advice on good health. Dr. David Samadi is set to reach and help more people in 2018 by including medical experts from around the globe as guests on the live streaming broadcast.

Providing accurate and scientific evidence-based information, Dr. Samadi invites any medical professional who is skilled in their field to share their expertise and knowledge. This includes specialists who have developed a peer-reviewed health/medical product, authors of medically-related books or those with other extensive knowledge on areas regarding health and wellness.

Medical professionals from around the world will be interviewed as guests either remotely or in the studio in New York City. Physicians and other medical experts can discuss with Dr. Samadi their particular specialty to help educate the public on disease prevention and increasing awareness of reaching health improvements.

The health topics Dr. Samadi is seeking for his live show are the latest, most up-to-date subject matters including alternative medicine, acupuncture, new medical and technology innovations, nutrition, fitness/exercise, or any specialty such as oncology, neurology, psychiatry, or geriatrics, and others. The show covers a broad range of topics on both men’s and women’s health, exercise, food and diet, common diseases, prostate health, sexual health, and other trending issues, offering his audience the best from national and international health experts.

Dr. Samadi TV is broadcast live every Sunday at 12:30 pm EST with his next show set for Sunday, January 7, 2018. Since it is broadcasted live, viewers have the opportunity and advantage of asking questions during or even after the show in which Dr. Samadi or his guest can answer in real time.

If you are a physician or other medical/health expert and want to be a guest offering and promoting your area of specialty on a Dr. Samadi TV broadcast, contact his office at 212-365-5000 or to be scheduled in the near future.