The Ministry of Social Policywill checkthe informationabout the factsofwage arrears. This was started by Director ofthe Department of wagesand working conditionsof the Ministry ofSocial PolicyOleksandrTovstenko.

Hesaid that the Ministryhas appealed to trade union representativeswith a requestto immediatelyinform about any facts ofwage arrears. "We are interestedin obtainingreliable informationabout the state ofwages. We askingrepresentativesof trade unions directlyinformthe Ministry ofSocial Policyon the existingnegative factsso that we canrespond tothem"- he said.

According to OleksandrTovstenko, today the Minister of Social Policyset out toState Inspectionof Ukraine forworkhardlyresponds toevery report ofdebtsof wages.

However,hecommented information ofsome mediathat thestateallegedlyowesUAH 5 millionto teachersin December. "Accordingto information provided tothe Ministry by theheads ofregional administrations, there are no wage arrears, which had to be paidby 31December 2012", OleksandrTovstenkosaid.

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