Toscheduleofdocumentary checksonly 1.6thousandentities-entitiesare included. The number ofenterprises payingtaxesreduced by24%if to compare withthe first quarter of2012

According toexperts of the Ministryof incomesand fees, practice of reduction ofdocumentary checkswill be continueddue to the introduction ofrisk-selection system checkstotaxpayers. It allows youto focusattentionsolely ontaxriskenterprises.

Innovativemonitoring toolshave been developedwithin the overallstrategy ofnon-fiscal methodsin favor of creatingthecustomer service.One of the basicprinciples of taxservice isnon-interferencein the activitiesof honesttaxpayers.

Automatedselection of candidates forverificationresultedto the fact thatlast yearnot more than 2thousand companies were tested quarterly, and for the full yearwere checkedabout 8 thousandtaxpayers.Overallsince 2010, the yearthe number of inspectionsdecreasedthreefold.

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