The phone number in the contact information should read 617-512-5236 (instead of 857-265-2125).

The corrected release reads:


Boston-based identity authentication startup,, announced that it has raised $4.0 million in July to launch a suite of mobile ID verification and multi-factor authentication products. Accomplice, Cava Capital, Rho and Zelkova Ventures led the funding along with a handful of notable angel investors.

Confirm™ launched its private beta this week, enabling developers to add secure ID verification into any application that requires or benefits from proof of identity. The API, which can be deployed in minutes, will authenticate any government issued ID using advanced forensic checks from an image captured via a mobile camera. The verification process requires no human interaction or review and takes only 6 seconds. The product was designed with privacy in mind and does not require the storage of any personally identifiable information. The company’s roadmap includes the development of a number of multi-factor identity authentication techniques that can be completed in real-time after a government ID has been verified.

“The need for identity verification is more important than ever in today’s shared economy. And there are broader market opportunities in more traditional and regulated industries that, together, represent a multi-billion market opportunity,” said company chairman Bob Geiman. “None of the solutions out there are being built with a forward looking view of the needs of the shared economy from the enterprise and consumer perspective. We see an opportunity to connect physical and digital identities in a low friction way that keeps consumers safer,” added Geiman.

Initial use cases for Confirm include account creation and onboarding; P2P identity checks; fraud escalation, banking and legal transactions. Confirm plans to offer its technology to a number of industries and has accelerated its footprint within federal government, law enforcement and retail through its recent acquisition of forensic ID company Advanced ID Detection. Advanced ID was founded in 2009 by leading pattern recognition scientist and industry pioneer, Dr. Ted Kuklinski, who holds a PhD in image analysis from MIT, and Brandon Currul.

Confirm’s founders include familiar mobile tech entrepreneurs Walter Doyle, whose consumer mobile company was acquired by PayPal in 2011; Bob Geiman, the company’s chairman and longtime mobile entrepreneur and venture capitalist; and Ralph Rodriguez, a MIT Fellow and founder of multifactor authentication company Delfigo Security (acquired by IBM). Arik Keller, former head of PayPal’s demand generation group, heads up product for the startup and David Perry, formerly of Invaluable, leads business development.

Confirm has been active in piloting its API with some major mobile and internet companies, which it plans to announce in the first quarter.

About: is a Boston-based mobile identity authentication company that enables safer interactions between people and businesses by linking physical identification with digital identities. Through the use of restfull APIs and mobile SDKs, the Company makes authenticating any government issued ID easy, fast & secure. Confirm’s solutions are easy to deploy and to integrate with mobile and internet applications to confirm a person’s identity for any transaction that requires or benefits from proof of identity.