CIEE: Council on International Educational Exchange today announced it will provide $500,000 in study abroad scholarships to 100 high schools across the U.S. as part of its Generation Study Abroad™ pledge to provide $20 million in scholarships and grants by 2020.

Generation Study Abroad is a five-year initiative of the Institute of International Education (IIE), which strives to double the number of U.S. students studying abroad by 2020. CIEE has pledged a series of concrete initiatives to increase study abroad opportunities at the secondary and post-secondary education levels by breaking down the real and perceived barriers of cost, curriculum, and culture.

“Study abroad is widely acknowledged by leaders in education, government, and business as one of the most important components of a 21st-century education. Globalization brings the demand for a U.S. workforce that possesses knowledge of other countries and cultures and is competent in languages other than English,” said Institute of International Education President and Chief Executive Officer Allan E. Goodman. “The earlier we can engage students in immersive study abroad programs to learn from and about other cultures, the sooner an entire generation will adopt a broader worldview.”

CIEE’s $500,000 in high school study abroad scholarships represents a lead commitment to the IIE Generation Study Abroad campaign to reach high school students and educators. Scholarships will be extended to select high schools that have shown a commitment to expanding global education and promoting international exchange opportunities with CIEE. Students will be able to attend one of CIEE’s 30 summer study abroad programs in 16 destinations around the world. Options include international community service programs, academic content programs, and language programs in Spanish, French, Italian, German, Chinese, Japanese, and Arabic.

“The opportunity of study abroad isn’t just an important part of a well-rounded educational experience. It’s increasingly important for success in our modern global economy. Getting ahead in today’s workplaces isn’t just about the skills students gain in the classroom. It’s also about the opportunity to travel beyond our borders and encounter other customs, languages, and cultures that are very different from our own,” said James P. Pellow, Ed.D., president and chief executive officer of CIEE.

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About CIEE: Council on International Educational Exchange
Founded in 1947, CIEE is the country’s oldest and largest nonprofit study abroad and intercultural exchange organization, serving more than 300 U.S. colleges and universities, 1,000 U.S. high schools, and more than 35,000 international exchange students each year. CIEE operates 61 study centers in 43 countries, sponsoring international faculty training programs, teach abroad programs, and various specialty and custom programs for secondary, post-secondary, and international students. Visit

About Institute of International Education
The Institute of International Education (IIE) is a world leader in the international exchange of people and ideas. An independent, not-for-profit organization founded in 1919, IIE has a network of 19 offices and affiliates worldwide and over 1,200 member institutions. IIE designs and implements programs of study and training for students, educators, young professionals, and trainees from all sectors with funding from government agencies, foundations, and corporations. IIE also conducts policy research and program evaluations, and provides advising and counseling on international education and opportunities abroad. Visit

About Generation Study Abroad
Generation Study Abroad is a five-year initiative of the Institute of International Education (IIE) to mobilize resources and commitments with the goal of doubling the number of U.S. students studying abroad by the end of the decadeGeneration Study Abroad seeks to significantly increase participation by bringing employers, governments, associations, and others together to build on current best practices and find new ways to extend study abroad opportunities and resources to tens of thousands of college students whose needs are not currently served by existing study abroad programs.