Business Capital has structured and secured an asset based credit facility for Rancho Harvest, one of the largest labor contracting providers for farmers, food shippers and processors serving the agricultural communities of California and Arizona. Rancho Harvest hires and deploys laborers and is a leader in the Farm Labor Contractor “FLC” industry, employing and training both domestic and H2A workers. They provide a wide scope of equipment and services, including payroll technology, hauling, packaging and an experienced, insured labor force for efficient harvesting to the most prolific growing areas of the US.

Taxes, trade agreements and other legislature designed to benefit the agriculture industry are currently top of mind for farmers, in the news and addressed by President Trump in his recent address to the American Farm Bureau Federation. The President stated, “Farm Country is God’s Country,” promising to honor “America’s proud farming legacy” in all future decisions. Companies, such as Rancho Harvest, are also dedicated to tackling challenges faced by the agriculture industry. Rancho Harvest supplies much needed access to farm labor and this new credit facility will allow them to continue providing low risk and cost effective services that positively impact farming in the US.

“Business Capital’s expertise is clear and what I have appreciated the most is their willingness to mentor us through the process from beginning to end,” said Julie Reynosa, CFO of Rancho Harvest. “Due to the complexity and tight deadlines of the transaction, we definitely would not have been able to close the deal without BizCap. Reed Upson and the BizCap Team were stellar, supporting key elements of the deal on our behalf when my plate was full, a true partner!”

Business Capital is a leading commercial finance and debt restructuring firm specializing in securing customized debt based solutions for rapidly growing as well as challenged small and middle market companies nationwide who require a unique, timely and tailored financing structure to address their particular needs, especially in situations where conventional capital sources are not an option.