BOYERTOWN, Pa., Jan. 28, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- ClimeCo forecasts blue skies for cap-and-trade growth, as Fortune 500's and blue chips precipitate high offset commodity transactions in 2014.

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Although ClimeCo Corporation is most commonly recognized as the leading producer of N(2)O voluntary carbon offsets under the Climate Action Reserve (CAR; the Reserve), the diversity of ClimeCo's portfolio has enabled some significantly high-volume yet discreet offset transactions.

During 2013, ClimeCo transacted over 1.5 million offsets, sourced by emissions abatement projects developed under the Reserve's Nitric Acid Production Protocol as well as the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Forestry, Ozone Depleting Substance and Agricultural Methane protocols.

Market interest continues to progress in 2014, following a sizable CRT transaction that offset the greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint of a confidential blue chip company. This NASDAQ 100 company voluntarily chose to purchase offset credits from ClimeCo based upon its' portfolio diversity and only after a thorough analysis of environmental commodity option alternatives reported ClimeCo's portfolio to be of the highest quality and lowest risk.

Additionally, ClimeCo manages all six of the CAR-approved voluntary nitric acid / nitrous oxide offset projects in operation within the United States, including two of the top five largest projects responsible for generating the most Climate Reserve Tons (CRTs) under the Reserve's high standards. Terra Nitrogen Ltd Partnership and LSB Industries collectively produced 3.67 million vintage 2008-2012 CRTs, a major contribution to the recent milestone announcement of 40 million metric tonnes of GHG emissions reduced by the Reserve's program.

    --  ClimeCo-managed emissions abatement projects have generated over 4
        million carbon credits to date.
    --  Current projects managed by ClimeCo will generate over 3 million offsets
        annually, positioning ClimeCo as the United States leading producer of
        voluntary offsets within the Reserve.
    --  By 2019, these projects will have generated 20 million carbon offsets,
        bringing the United States closer to President Obama's climate policy
        goal to return GHG emissions to 1990 levels by year 2020.

ClimeCo Corporation is a respected advisor and trader of environmental commodity market products. ClimeCo has specialized expertise in California cap-and-trade and voluntary market advisory and transactional services and project financing of internal CO(2) abatement systems. Within the Climate Action Reserve, ClimeCo is the largest producer of U.S. voluntary carbon credits, managing projects that generate in excess of 3 million credits per year. Contact: 484-415-0501 or

Cynthia Jackson
Public Relations Manager
(484) 415-0501

SOURCE ClimeCo Corporation