STORY: ::July 12, 2024

::81-year-old Biden jokes that he is 'only 41' to Michigan voters

::Northville, Michigan

"I know I am only 41. God love you. You are like my sister. Anyway, but folks, this is an important moment. And I hope, I used to always when I ...for the longest time I was too young, because I was the second youngest man elected to the United States Senate, and, anyway, and now I'm too old. But I know hopefully what comes with a little bit of age is a little bit of wisdom, and hopefully, I think that in this moment the alternative is not much of an alternative. And I do think ethics matter, I do think decency matters, I do think we should reflect what the American people...we are an optimistic, we are decent, we are an honorable country, and I give my word, the last thing I will say, I have never been more optimistic about America's possibilities than I am today."

Biden made a surprise stop at a garage-themed restaurant in a western suburb of Detroit.

At least 19 lawmakers have urged him to step aside so the party can pick another candidate following his halting June 27 debate performance against Republican rival Donald Trump.