Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance (BHSI) today introduced Professional First™ Miscellaneous Professional Liability (MPL) Insurance in Canada.

The new MPL policy provides claims-made coverage for professionals and professional services firms facing allegations of negligent acts, errors or omissions, misstatements, misleading statements, neglect, breach of duty and unintentional breach of contract.

“Our new Professional First MPL form provides coverage that maximizes protection and results in peace of mind for Canadian professionals,” said Michael Densham, Vice President of Executive and Professional Lines, Canada, BHSI. “With our coverage and our experienced professional liability team, policyholders are assured of expert, responsive service to help them avoid claims and successfully navigate those that arise.”

The MPL policy includes the following supplemental payment coverages with no retention: coverage for pre-claim assistance, reimbursement of loss of earnings and reimbursement of expenses for policyholder attendance at litigation and disciplinary proceedings.

“Bringing to market this comprehensive MPL form with the financial strength of BHSI underscores our commitment to the professional liability market in Canada,” said Paula Lansky, Assistant Vice President, Professional Liability, Canada, BHSI.

The new MPL policy is part of Professional First, BHSI's suite of executive liability insurance products designed to provide clear, current and customizable coverage.

For more information, contact Paula Lansky at or 647.846.7811

Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance ( provides commercial property, casualty, healthcare professional liability, executive and professional lines, surety, travel, programs, and homeowners insurance. The actual and final terms of coverage for all product lines may vary. In Canada it underwrites on the paper of National Liability & Fire Insurance Company, a part of Berkshire Hathaway's National Indemnity group of insurance companies, which hold financial strength ratings of A++ from AM Best and AA+ from Standard & Poor's. Based in Boston, Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance has offices in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Fort Lauderdale, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, San Ramon, Stevens Point, Auckland, Brisbane, Hong Kong, Melbourne, Singapore, Sydney and Toronto. For more information, contact