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The Parliamentary Supervisory Council will be visiting Washington D.C. and New York from 14 to 19 January 2014.

During the trip, the Parliamentary Supervisory Council will familiarise itself with the activities of the US central bank, the Federal Reserve System (the Fed), and visit the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In the context of these visits, the Parliamentary Supervisory Council will gain insights into US monetary and fiscal policies and forms of unconventional monetary policy as well as get a closer view of recent developments in the US financial sector and the international financial system, among other things.

In addition, the Parliamentary Supervisory Council will visit the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the Brookings Institution. The topics of discussions will include the outlook for the US stock market, the economic situation and economic policy in the United States, as well as US viewpoints of the challenges for the European economy and Eurosystem. The Parliamentary Supervisory Council will also visit the US Department of the Treasury and meet members of the US Congress, as well as have discussions with representatives from the financial sector.

The trip will be guided by Ben Zyskowicz, Chairman of the Parliamentary Supervisory Council. In addition to five members of the Parliamentary Supervisory Council, Governor Erkki Liikanen and Deputy Governor Pentti Hakkarainen from the Bank of Finland as well as Ari Hyytinen, Advisor to the Parliamentary Supervisory Council, will also be taking part in the trip.

For further information, please contact: Anton Mäkelä, Secretary to the Parliamentary Supervisory Council,, tel. +358 500 201.

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