Appointment brings outstanding track record in Swiss Institutional business
Bank J. Safra Sarasin today announced the appointment of Serge Ledermann as Head of Asset Management in Switzerland and as a member of the Bank's Executive Committee. The appointment will be effective 1 March 2015.
Sergio Penchas, Global Head of Asset Management Products and Sales Division, stated:
"We are delighted with the appointment of Serge Ledermann, a highly capable and experienced professional with a strong track record in asset management and the Swiss market. We continue to strengthen the Bank's asset management and institutional business with a first-class team dedicated to delivery of high quality services for clients."
Edmond Michaan, Chief Executive Officer, added:
"The appointment of Serge is a tremendous asset for this key division of the Bank, demonstrating our commitment to asset management and the institutional business."
Serge Ledermann stated:
"I am excited by this opportunity to join Bank J. Safra Sarasin and achieve its clear ambitions for institutional business. It is strongly positioned as one of Switzerland's top-tier banks with its family ownership, long-term perspective, commitment to sustainability and its capacity to invest in the business, people and clients."
Serge Ledermann - Head Asset Management Switzerland
Mr. Ledermann, a Swiss citizen, has more than 30 years of experience in asset management and of the Swiss institutional business. He joins Bank J. Safra Sarasin from Retraites Populaires where he was Deputy CEO and Member of the Management Committee in charge of investments. During a long career with Lombard, Odier Darier Hentsch, he was a Partner, in charge of Asset Management. Mr. Ledermann played a key role as Founding Partner of the asset management business of UBP. He started his career as an equity analyst and portfolio manager with Compagnie de Banque et Investissements, and with Union Bank of Switzerland.
Mr. Ledermann is a graduate of Economics from the University of Lausanne (HEC) and from the International School for Banking Studies in Geneva, He chaired the Swiss Financial Analysts Association (SFAA, www.sfaa.ch) from 1997 to 2001 and is currently a member of the Advisory Board of the AVS within the asset allocation committee.
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