Baffle, Inc. today announced that the Baffle Advanced Data Protection Service has been recognized as a 2019 SC Media Trust Awards finalist in the Best Database Security Solutions category. The finalists for the Trust Awards are chosen by an expert panel of judges with extensive knowledge and experience in the cybersecurity industry. Winners will be announced at the SC Awards gala on March 5, 2019 in San Francisco.

“The bulk of data security tools we’re relying on is doing nothing to mitigate modern day attacks,” said Baffle co-founder and CEO Ameesh Divatia. “When it comes to the last line of defense, companies have been lulled into a false sense of security which leaves their most valuable data exposed. The sophistication and stealth of current breaches begs the need for data-centric protection that goes beyond traditional ‘at rest’ encryption.”

Baffle is the first company to enable secure data processing on a commercial application and database to guarantee data protection. The company vastly simplifies an enterprise’s encryption implementation, which is typically a complex, time-consuming and costly process.

“Every new year brings with it an unpredictable mix of adversity and opportunity for information security professionals,” said Illena Armstrong, VP, editorial, SC Media. “In 2018, we watched as ransomware took down entire city governments, popular online platforms were accused of mishandling user data, and technology giants announced an unprecedented industry-wide effort to solve the Spectre and Meltdown CPU vulnerabilities. Through it all, this year’s SC Awards finalists found ways to break boundaries, overcome challenges and contribute fresh new ideas to the world of cybersecurity.”

Now in its 22nd year, SC Awards is recognized as the industry gold standard of accomplishment for cybersecurity professionals, products and services. With the awards, SC Media recognizes the achievements of cybersecurity professionals in the field, the innovations happening in the vendor and service provider communities, and the vigilant work of government, commercial and nonprofit entities. Vendors and service providers who offer a product and/or service for the commercial, government, educational, nonprofit or other industries are eligible for the SC Awards’ Trust Award category.

The SC Awards gala honoring the winners attracts top professionals in the cybersecurity community and provides an invaluable opportunity for networking. To register for the 2019 SC Awards gala, please visit

To request a Baffle demo, click here.

About Baffle

Baffle, the application data protection company, prevents data breaches by securing the end-to-end data access model for applications and databases. Using this method, the technology protects against some of the most recent high-profile attacks and vulnerabilities – including Spectre and Meltdown. With its patent-granted technology, Baffle is the only company that can enable encryption of data at rest, in use, in memory and in the search index without impacting the application using AES encryption. Baffle is also the first company to enable secure data processing on a commercial application and database to guarantee data protection. Baffle has raised $10.5 million of financing; its investors include True Ventures, Envision Ventures, ServiceNow Ventures [NYSE: NOW], Thomvest Ventures, Engineering Capital, and Industry Ventures.

About SC Media

SC Media is cybersecurity. For 30 years, they have armed information security professionals with in-depth and unbiased information through timely news, comprehensive analysis, cutting-edge features, contributions from thought leaders, and independent product reviews in partnership with and for top-level information security executives and their technical teams. In addition to their comprehensive website, SC Media offers magazines, eBooks, and newsletters. They also host digital and live events such as SC Awards and RiskSec NY to provide cybersecurity professionals all the information needed to safeguard their organizations and contribute to their longevity and success.

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