Brand Velocity (BV), the Atlanta-based management consultancy, is now offering its Strategic Profiling survey free to help individuals discover their strategic advantages and improve their personal engagement at work.

BV built Strategic Profiling using principles from Peter Drucker, the inventor of modern management, to help people understand how to be more successful and engaged in their work lives.

"Strategic Profiling helps to better understand our work preferences and abilities," said BV CEO Jack Bergstrand. "It incorporates years of work that we have done with thousands of people with the timeless wisdom of Peter Drucker to achieve more fulfilling results, with much less stress and aggravation."

Strategic Profiling reveals, in five minutes, people's personal drivers and how they can be best used to improve personal engagement:

1. Good with strategy (Envision)

2. Excellent with details (Design)

3. Strong with processes (Build)

4. High emotional intelligence (Operate)

Click here to take Strategic Profiling for free. Check out the fun, short video on Strategic Profiling here.

About Brand Velocity, Inc.

BV is a management consulting firm that helps organizations implement critical initiatives. By applying Peter Drucker's most essential principles, BV works with clients to more successfully reinvent work and improve results better, faster and less expensive than the conventional consulting model. Visit

Brand Velocity, Inc.
Dorothy Peterson, 323-350-4714