Azuri Technologies, a leading commercial provider of PayGo Solar Home Systems to rural off-grid regions has been named in the 2018 Global Cleantech 100 list.

The announcement follows closely the launch of Azuri’s new $20M debt financing program that will provide additional working capital for the expansion of off-grid energy services in East Africa.

The Global Cleantech 100 list is a barometer reading of the global innovation community’s shifting views on which companies, and which types of companies are most likely to have a big commercial impact in a 5 to 10 year time frame. The companies represent the most innovative and promising ideas in Cleantech and that are best positioned to solve tomorrow’s clean technology challenges.

Azuri Technologies CEO, Simon Bransfield Garth comments: "We are delighted to be named as one of the top 100 companies in the Cleantech space. Cleantech and the renewable energy industry has seen large growth during the last year and we are proud to be recognised as a leader in the sector."

The complete list can be found on the Global Cleantech website:

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About Azuri Technologies Ltd.

Azuri Technologies is a leading commercial provider of PayGo solar home systems to rural off-grid communities. With the widest reach of any provider in sub-Saharan Africa, Azuri is leveraging solar and mobile technology to allow users in 12 different countries to access renewable, distributed power on a pay-as-you-go basis. Azuri’s HQ is located in Cambridge, United Kingdom, with staff based in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Nigeria.

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