24 January 2014

With the 2014 school year about to begin, the Wool4Skool student fashion design project has attracted over 5000 student registrations across Australia.

Now in its fourth year, Wool4Skool has enjoyed a significant uptake by secondary school teachers who have placed the program within their Design and Technology classrooms.

Complete lesson plans, state curriculum links, marking rubrics, design drawing techniques and textile information have been included in the resources packs for this year's Wool4Skool competition, all written by leading Design and Technology teachers.

In 2014 Wool4Skool celebrates The Woolmark Company's influence on global fashion across 50 years. Students are this year asked to select their favourite fashion era from the 1960s to today and to design a garment using wool to suit that era.

With the aid of significant classroom materials such as large samples of Australian knitted and woven Merino wool, students from year 7 to year 11 will take part in a real-life fashion design process without having to make the garment.

A key aspect to the competition is the understanding of the technical aspects of Merino textiles, many of which are outlined in the digital resource library at www.wool4skool.com.

Ongoing feedback from teachers has been essential for the uptake and evolution of Wool4Skool. Last year's winning teacher Nicole Koinuma adds, "I feel privileged that Wool4Skool actually acknowledges the role teachers play. It is a very special award because I value the sheep and the Merino wool industry. It's a fantastic product."

The Year 10 winning entry will have their design made into reality by leading Australian designer Jonathan Ward along with a once in a lifetime photo shoot with Girlfriend magazine. The competition has now opened up to year 11 students, with the prize of a week-long internship with well-known Australian fashion label Camilla & Marc.

Over $10,000 in cash prizes are on offer as part the competition in 2014 together with money-can't-buy opportunities. For all competition term and conditions please head to www.wool4skool.com.

New in 2014 is the Wool4Skool Facebook page where students will be able to share their design ideas and inspiration.

Marius Cuming
Email: marius.cuming@wool.com
Telephone: +61 3 5572 5881
Mobile: +61 400 305 716

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