Apstra, Inc. announced the general availability of Apstra Operating System™ (AOS) 1.1.1, and an integration with Wedge 100, Facebook’s second generation top-of-rack network switch. Apstra demonstrated the integration today at Facebook’s Disaggregate: Networking, a technical conference for engineers with an interest in open and disaggregated networking solutions.

“At Apstra we believe in giving network engineers choice and control in operating their network and we are excited to be part of the network disaggregation movement,” said Mansour Karam, CEO and Founder of Apstra, Inc. “We are delighted to have been invited to demonstrate AOS integrated with Wedge 100 today. AOS provides network engineers with advanced operational control and situational awareness of network services, and enables them to design, deploy, and operate a truly Self-Operating Network™ (SON) without vendor lock-in.”

AOS is a distributed operating system for the data center network, disaggregating the operational plane from the underlying device operating systems and hardware. It is a vendor-agnostic solution that augments network engineers and self-operates a network by providing the fundamental software component that allows them to operate a network as one system, as opposed to box per box.

Sitting above both open and traditional vendor hardware, AOS provides the abstraction required to automatically translate a data center network architect’s intent into a closed loop, continuously validated infrastructure. The intent, network configurations, and telemetry are stored in a distributed, system-wide state repository.

Sign-up to join an Apstra AOS webinar on Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 11:00 AM PST/2:00 PM EST, read the Apstra blog, or schedule a demo.

About Apstra, Inc.

Apstra is redefining the way networks are designed, deployed and operated to enable a Self Operating Network™ (SON) without vendor lock-in. Apstra solves two critical problems today: the management of scalable distributed state, and providing the abstraction required to automatically translate user intent into a continuously validated infrastructure that delivers on this intent. The Apstra Operating System™ (AOS) is a distributed operating system for the data center network that is vendor-agnostic, intent-driven, and closed loop.

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Webinar: Turn Key Automation with AOS 1.1

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